Effectiveness of coordination training for students of the faculty of physical culture using specialized exercise complexes
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to enhance the coordination abilities of students in the Faculty of Physical Culture to improve their overall physical training and sports achievements. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of specialized exercise complexes on the coordination preparedness of students in the Faculty of Physical Culture within the framework of the academic discipline "Gymnastics and Teaching Methodology." Organization of the research. The study involved 60 students. The experimental group performed specialized coordination-oriented exercise complexes for 12 weeks. The control group subjects followed a standard program. To assess coordination abilities, tests for agility, balance, reaction, and movement accuracy were utilized. Research results. At the end of the experiment, the students in the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in coordination abilities compared to the control group. The most noticeable improvements were observed in tests for throwing a ball into a hoop, catching a ruler, and jumping with rotation. The average increase in coordination indicators in the experimental group was 4.15%, which is significantly higher than in the control group (1.60%). Conclusions. The inclusion of specialized complexes of coordination-oriented exercises in the educational process contributes to a significant improvement in students' coordination abilities. It is recommended to implement this approach in physical training programs and to continue research to determine long-term effects and optimize methodologies.

higher physical education, coordination training, specialized exercises, gymnastics, coordination abilities
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