Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports complex of the TRP is a comprehensive program and regulatory structure, the purpose of which is to develop mass sports and strengthen the health of the country's population. The regulation on the All-Russian Physical Cul-ture and Sports Complex "Ready for Work and Defense" states that the goals of the TRP are to increase the effectiveness of the use of physical culture and sports in strengthening health, harmonious and comprehensive personal development, the development of patriotism, as well as in the implementation of physical education of the population.
GTO complex, physical education of students, physical fitness of students
1. On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex ―Ready for Labor and Defense‖ (GTO)‖, Resolution dated June 11, 2014, No. 540, URL:
2. About the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex ―Ready for Labor and Defense‖ (GTO)‖, Decree of March 24, 2014, No. 172, Collection of official documents and materials, No. 3, p. 34.
3. Kizko A. P., Kizko E. A. (2019), ―State of health and physical fitness of modern student youth‖, Current problems of physical culture, sports and tourism, Materials of the XIII International. scientific-practical conf., Ufa, Ufa State Aviation Technical University", pp. 84–88.
4. Dugnist P. Ya., Romanova E. V. (2016), ―Motivation of youth to engage in physical culture and sports‖, Materials of the VI All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. with international participation “Promising directions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism”, Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhnevartovsk State. univ., pp. 164–167.
5. Lopatina R. F., Lopatin N. A. (2017), ―Health of university students as an urgent social problem‖, Bulletin of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts, pp. 272–278.
6. Kuramshin Yu. F., Gadelshin R. M. (2014), ―GTO complex in the system of physical education of students: history of creation and development‖, Theory and practice of physical culture, No. 7, pp. 9–12.
7. GTO complex‖, URL: