The image of the USSR and its athletes at the 1952 Summer Olympic Games in the Soviet periodical press
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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to identify the components and characteristics of the image of the Soviet Union and its athletes based on publications in domestic periodicals. Research methods: the content analysis method was used to systematize publications of periodical print media dedicated to the 1952 Olympic Games. For a more accurate interpretation of the use of specific statements in different texts, the discourse analysis method was employed. Research results and conclusions. Key points contained in the publications of the Soviet central and local periodicals regarding the 1952 Olympic Games have been identified. The main characteristics of the image of the Soviet state and its athletes have been revealed, related not only to achieving high sports results but also to addressing foreign policy objectives in the context of the Cold War. It has been established that the Soviet periodical press, being one of the main sources of information in the early 1950s, was used as an important tool for shaping the image of the USSR as a global sports power in the mass consciousness of citizens.

Olympic Games, sports, periodical press, "Cold War", patriotism, USSR, Finland
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2. (1952), “Before the first starts”, Sovetsky Sport, July 17, p. 4.

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