GRNTI 77.29 Методические основы видов спорта
The modern sport of orienteering is a type of sport in which achieving a high result requires a comprehensive manifestation of special physical, technical, tactical, and intellectual preparedness. The purpose of the study is to establish the characteristics of the competitive activities of elite athletes specializing in cross-country orienteering. Research methods and organization: study and analysis of the competitive activities of orienteering athletes at the World Cup stages from 2022 to 2024. Based on the method of cartography, the parameters of competitive distances were studied, evaluating the effective running speed, distance elongation coefficient, and the time of the winner and prize-winners at each start. Research results and conclusions. It has been established that the technical and tactical components of competitive activities in orienteering running objectively reflect the geomorphological features of the terrain and the length of the courses. The identified patterns allow for effective planning of the training process, based on informative indicators that characterize the relationship between results at individual distances and overall competitive achievements. The obtained factual data allow for the conclusion that special attention should be paid to enhancing the effectiveness of cross-training in the training process, which can become a reserve for further growth in sports results.
running orienteering, World Cup competitions, competitive activity, technical and tactical preparedness, structure of competitive distances
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