Development of volitional qualities in secondary vocational education students in physical education classes
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to study the features of the formation of volitional qualities in student age and the possibilities of physical culture for the development of volitional qualities in students. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The article proposes physical exercises for the development of volitional qualities, presents sets of exercises for the development of volitional qualities in physical education classes, and provides results on the development of volitional qualities among students of secondary vocational education. An improvement in the indicators of the level of formation of volitional qualities has been identified: decisiveness, patience, persistence, courage. Conclusions. The obtained data allow us to conclude about the effectiveness of the developed sets of physical exercises for the development of volitional qualities among students of secondary vocational education in physical education classes using physical exercises and elements of active and sports games.

volitional qualities, students of secondary vocational education, a set of exercises, physical education of students
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