Application of health-improving and rehabilitation programs for students of special medical groups
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to develop and implement health-improving and restorative programs for students of special medical groups in order to maintain the body's defense mechanisms, prevent diseases and improve the health of students, and increase students' motivation to engage in physical exercises and sports. Research methods: surveying (self-assessment of students' health status), medical methods for checking students' health, analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics and generalization of the obtained experimental data. Research results and conclusions. A health-improving and restorative program has been developed and tested for first to third-year students of Kemerovo State Medical University, which has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving physical qualities of students such as general endurance, flexibility, agility, and core strength. Furthermore, the motivation of students to engage in physical exercises and sports has increased.

physical education of students, medical university, special medical groups, physical activity, physical exercises, motivation, self-development, health improvement programs
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