The results of the functioning of the innovative pedagogical system for forming stu-dent groups of cadets as collectives at the Military Order of Zhukov Academy of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to verify the effectiveness of the functioning of an innovative pedagogical system developed for the purpose of forming educational groups of cadets as collectives in the military universities of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Research methods: generally recognized theoretical and empirical methods related to the studied problem, development of the concept of the pedagogical system, author questionnaires, ex-pert evaluation, and experimentation. Research results and conclusions. A pedagogical system for forming educational groups of cadets as collectives has been created and implemented in the educational process of the Military Order of Zhukov Academy of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, its structural compo-nents and their content, interdependencies have been developed; functional models of the activities of teachers during classes and officers in their managerial and educational activities have been tested. The prospects of using these models for the purpose of addressing the task of forming cadet collec-tives have been proven.

pedagogical system, educational staff, educational unit, cadets, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation
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