Assessment of the effectiveness of planned tag rugby classes with younger schoolchildren within the framework of extracurricular activities
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of selected exercises and games used in the content of extracurricular activities in tag rugby on the physical development and technical preparedness of younger schoolchildren. Research methods and organization included the following main methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, survey method in the form of conversation, pedagogical experiment, method of control tests, and mathematical-statistical methods of data processing. The experimental work was carried out at the base of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary General Education School No. 28" in the city of Magnitogorsk and involved the planning and conducting of extracurricular activities in tag rugby. Research results and conclusion. The analysis of the obtained data from the control tests, surveys, and observations showed that the use of selected resources in extracurricular activities related to tag rugby contributes to an increase in the level of technical preparedness of schoolchildren, allows for the formation of a stable motivation for systematic engagement in physical culture and sports, which is reflected in the regularity of attendance and responsible preparation for competitions.

extracurricular activities, younger schoolchildren, tag rugby, physical culture, boys aged 9-10 years
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