GRNTI 77.29 Методические основы видов спорта
The article presents an algorithm for constructing the structure and content of the author's methodology for game thinking in the process of teaching basic tactical and technical actions of football players. It reveals the content of the modular methodology and the possibilities of integration in assessing the level of development of game thinking using the "Soccer Intelligym" program. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the methodology for the development of game thinking within the framework of teaching technical and tactical actions to football players of 9-10 years old for their application in competitive activities. Research methods and organization. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of literary sources; survey (questionnaire); design; testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics; pedagogical observation. The control and experimental groups consisted of students of the football club “Zenit – Admiralteysky” (born in 2012/2013). All stages of the study were carried out from 2020 to 2023. The main stages of the research were the direct testing of the author's methodology and the formation of the results of the pedagogical experiment. Research results and conclusions. Modern trends in training tactical and technical actions in the sports training of football players of various age groups have been identified. The structure and content of an experimental modular methodology have been developed. The interrelationship between the personal level of development of speed-strength abilities and the degree of mastery of various technical-tactical actions with the level of development of game thinking and cognitive abilities has been determined. Evidence of the effective application of an isolated form of training session is provided, exemplified by the dynamics of indicators: "dribbling, passing" - speed-strength - cognitive abilities.
football, sports training, cognitive abilities, game thinking, tactical and technical actions
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