employee from 01.01.2022 until now
employee from 01.09.2023 until now
Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy (Department of Physical Training, Teacher)
employee from 20.06.2024 until now
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2008 to 01.01.2025
Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
GRNTI 77.29 Методические основы видов спорта
The purpose of the study is the experimental justification and development of a program aimed at enhancing the strength and conditioning readiness for fights among professional MMA athletes. Organization of the research. 24 professional mixed martial arts fighters underwent two different strength and conditioning training programs over a period of 12 weeks. Research results. It was established that the strength and conditioning training of professional mixed martial arts athletes is divided into two blocks – the off-season (preparatory period) and the training camp (competitive period). The application of the experimental program on professional mixed martial arts fighters revealed a significant impact on indicators of strength endurance and maximum strength. Conclusions. A positive correlation was established between the characteristics of strength and conditioning preparedness and the technical-tactical indicators of the fighters. The effectiveness of technical-tactical actions increased by 27.1%, and the reliability of defensive actions increased by 13.6%.
mixed martial arts, MMA, strength endurance, explosive strength, plyometric exercises, maximum strength, technical and tactical training
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2. Davidenko I. A., Bolotin A. E. (2021), “Means and methods of training highly qualified athletes in combat sambo”, Physical education and sports in the education system: current state and prospects, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Omsk, pp. 147–154.
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4. Kudryavtsev M. D., Osipov A. Yu., Guralev V. M. [et al.] (2023), “Effect of short-term functional training intervention on athletic performance in elite male combat sambo athletes”, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 328–334.