St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2025
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 796.03 Спортивное движение (разновидности)
GRNTI 77.01 Общие вопросы физической культуры и спорта
The article addresses the issues of popularizing the practice of "Nordic walking" among students through the innovative project "Nordic Walking - a New Way of Life." The purpose of the study is to study student engagement and motivations for participating in Nordic walking. Research methods include analysis of specialized literature, surveys, and statistics. Research results and conclusions. It is shown that the health level of modern students is quite low, and the set of physical exercises should have a health-improving character. A reliable factor that allows for strengthening student health is Nordic walking, which enhances the physical condition of students and plays a significant social role, preparing students for future professional activities.
nordic walking, students, lifestyle, physical culture, motor activity
1. Bushma T. V., Volkova L. M., Zuikova E. G. (2015), “Organization and content of independent work of students specializing in "Aerobics", Theory and practice of physical culture, No. 2, pp. 24–26.
2. Vorobyova S. A., Tarakanova M. E., Kryaklina A. A. [et al.] (2022), “Health-improving technologies of physical culture in higher education”, Modern high-tech technologies, No. 5 (issue 2), pp. 280–286.
3. Zuikova E. G., Bushma T. V., Bondarchuk I. L. [et al.] (2023), “The health of the younger generation is the key to the future of Russia”, Scientific notes of the P. F. Lesgaft University, No. 10 (224), pp. 148–152.
4. The Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (2019), “The federal project "Sport is the norm of life”, URL: https://minsport. gov.ru/activities/fedprosport/.