employee from 01.01.2003 to 01.01.2025
Russian Federation
GRNTI 15.81 Прикладная психология
The article examines gender conflicts in educational institutions, as well as mediation as an effective method for resolving such disputes. The purpose of the study is to justify the necessity of integrating mediation technologies into the educational process. Research methods and organization: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, sociological survey of high school students. The study involved 58 high school students aged 16 to 19; the gender composition of the sample: 41% male respondents and 59% female. Research results. During the study of the potential of mediation for resolving gender conflicts in the educational environment, it was found that this method of dispute resolution is the most effective for high school students and also helps to develop qualities beneficial for adult life. Conclusions. Further research on this topic should be based on the analysis of specific cases within the framework of working with gender conflicts in the educational environment through mediation.
gender conflicts, education system, mediation, conflicts, emotional well-being
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