GRNTI 77.01 Общие вопросы физической культуры и спорта
The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of athletic gymnastics classes on the state of somatic health and the level of physical fitness of students. Research methods and organization. The methods of analysis of scientific and methodological literature, studies thematically related to the problem of developing strength abilities, functional reserves of the body, and optimizing training loads in the process of physical education of students were used, along with pedagogical experiments and methods of mathematical statistics. The developed course was tested in the educational process of students at the Volga State Transport University. Research results and conclusions. The reliable increase in indicators characterizing the level of somatic health (values of strength and life indices) and physical development (strength, static endurance, explosive power, and increased speed of individual movements, coordination) identified during the study indicates the positive effect of the developed methodology. The obtained research materials confirm the positive influence of athletic gymnastics on the functioning of the body's systems, the formation of physical qualities, and the development of motor skills in students.
athletic gymnastics, somatic (physical) health, physical development, physical education of students
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