employee from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2025
Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
GRNTI 77.29 Методические основы видов спорта
The purpose of the study is to identify the positive and negative qualities of the training process that contribute to both stagnation and improvement in the performance of two sports schools, in terms of training directions; to conduct pedagogical observation followed by expert evaluation. Research methods and organization. Methods of pedagogical observation, mathematical statistics, and expert evaluation were applied based on the results of implementation. The experimental groups included 18 qualified sprint swimmers. Research results and conclusions. At the end of the study, expert assessments were formed for each key indicator and ranked in order of significance. The obtained data provide an objective evaluation of the use of existing methods and directions in the sprint training of swimmers, contributing to the effective activities of the coaching staff in sports schools. Based on pedagogical observations and expert conclusions from specialists, conclusions and authorial recommendations for improving sprint training have been formulated.
swimming, sprinter swimmers, sports training, individualization of training
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6. Bolotin A. E. Ponimasov O. E., Prigoda K. G., Vasilyeva E. A. (2023), ”Factors influencing the effectiveness of the start in breaststroke swimming’, Theory and practice of physical culture, No. 8, pp. 86–88.
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