GRNTI 77.05 Медико-биологические основы физической культуры и спорта
This category of diseases represents a kind of pandemic that has affected all continents, countries, and population groups. In Russia, arterial hypertension ranks first in the prevalence of diseases and is the number one national problem, holding the top position in the global ranking. Understanding the mechanisms by which physical exercise influences the prevention of arterial hypertension among students will lead to the development of innovative methods that will contribute to reducing the prevalence of this disease and improving the health of the nation. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of physical exercises on students with arterial hypertension. Research methods and organization. The study was conducted as part of the internal monitoring of students at SSEU to determine the level of health, physical development, regularity of physical education and sports activities, and the impact of regular exercise on blood pressure among students. Conclusions. Physical education instructors in higher education institutions must possess a deep understanding of the impact of regular physical exercise on blood pressure levels in order to effectively implement new technologies in physical education programs that can have a preventive effect on the development of hypertension among young people.
hypertension, physical culture in higher education institutions, student health, healthcare, disease prevention
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