Prevention of deviant behavior in individuals with intellectual disabilities through physical education
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to identify the significance of physical culture for the social adaptation of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Research methods and organization. The study utilized methods of analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, surveys, and methods of mathematical statistics. The survey was conducted in correctional boarding schools of the VIII type, as well as in higher educational institutions in the city of Ufa. The survey involved specialists in adaptive physical culture, as well as specialists working with children with intellectual disabilities (teachers, coaches, psychologists, defectologists), totaling 20 participants. Research results and conclusions. It has been revealed that engaging in physical culture and sports influences the personality development of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The majority of respondents indicated that a comprehensive impact on cognitive abilities, communication skills, willpower, and emotional-sensory spheres through physical culture is an effective way to form a proper behavioral stereotype, which in turn helps individuals with intellectual disabilities adapt to society. It has been noted that the modern realities of society require the search for new ways to develop the physical culture of the individual, which will allow for the establishment of a positive behavioral stereotype, prevent the manifestation of deviant behavior, and provide individuals with intellectual disabilities with a correct life orientation.

physical culture, personality formation, individuals with intellectual disabilities, social adaptation, deviant behavior
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