GRNTI 77.01 Общие вопросы физической культуры и спорта
The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the method of using intellectual conflict on the effectiveness of learning in the process of professional training of students. The specific objectives of the research include studying the relationship between the level of emotional engagement of students and the effectiveness of their professional training process; developing and testing an experimental method aimed at ensuring the emotional engagement of students in the learning process. Research methods and organization. Methods of studying and analyzing scientific publications on the research problem, analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, and pedagogical experimentation were employed. The experimental base of the research was Sakhalin State University, and the subjects of the research were students studying in the field of training 49.00.00 "Physical Culture and Sports." Research results and conclusions. A method for utilizing the situation of intellectual conflict for the purposeful emotional engagement of students in the educational process has been developed and tested, the possibility of using it to improve the quality of professional training of students has been revealed.
higher school, professional training of students, emotional engagement, intellectual conflict, learning technologies
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